Portfolio Curation

Creating my portfolio was fun! For page layout and grid purpose I decided upon a 2X2 grid system. I chose this layout due to it allowing up to four landscape images max, without the images being too small, also allowing me to add a larger image on either side portrait or landscape, this allowed me … More Portfolio Curation

What makes a good CV?

For Design Competition, the module requires  me to present and position my creative identity effectively alongside other practices, through a range of sector specific media and formats appropriate to my specific career path and proposed freelance practice. Therefore, this blog post is to showcase my research, development and outcome of my CV. At first I gathered … More What makes a good CV?

Online Portfolio

As part of the Design Competition module I have to create a virtual voice/presence for myself. An online portfolio is all the range right now. with websites/platforms such as Squaresapce, Wix, Behance (adobe), etc…they do most of the hard work for you by having a set out templates and easy to use interfaces with allows … More Online Portfolio

Self Promoting

Project brief aims You are your own greatest asset; you are totally unique. As designers, illustrators and visual communicators you need to be confident about your work, but you also need to be confident about yourself as a professional and unique individual. This task aims for you to start thinking about (and showing) who you … More Self Promoting