
I have compiled a selection of mood boards to help me further exploration into imagery, and use as reference. My first one is about exploding clocks. I have found imagery that contains the short of content I want to be looking at. Lots of different parts of clock gears and cogs. Some are tattoos, some … More Moodboards

Artist Books!

The class had a morning visit to the ‘old’ women’s library, where they are moving in the archives from the old building. The archives we went to see were Artist Books. Strict rules followed the library, no food or drink (obviously), no bags and no pens…only pencils. The books we were there to explore are … More Artist Books!

Decoding Text

This is the first task of the brief, and the first workshop. This is decoding written text. The idea behind this task/workshop was to get us reading. We had to read the texts and chose which suited the individual best. Then we were the just skim through a piece of text and pick out words of … More Decoding Text

The Color Company

I have been trying to get a comic book printed, a specific size, quality, price, specific type of paper and with quality print control. After going to a few printing shops in London, they have all failed to produce or even understand what I was after. However at the end of a long day I … More The Color Company